H. Michael Steinberg - Seasoned and Experienced Attorney for Criminal Charges in Denver, the Front Range and all of Colorado.

    Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year - to respond to your questions, your fears, and your concerns.

    Call 303-627-7777 during Business Hours or in case of emergency, 720-220-2277 for his Personal Cell or 303-543-4433 for his 24-7 pager.

    If you or someone you love has been charged with committing a crime in Colorado, contact H. Michael Steinberg immediately. Don't risk your future. Let us put our experience and knowledge to work, for you.

    Please fill out our Case Evaluation form to receive a free evaluation of your case. H. Michael will contact you immediately if at all possible - usually in less than 30 minutes. If urgent - Please call his cell now 720-220-2277

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